These Terms & Conditions explain the rights, obligations and responsibilities of all parties to this Agreement. Where we use the word ‘You’ or ‘Your’ it means the Customer: ‘We’, ‘Us’ or ‘Our’ means the Remover. These terms and conditions can be varied or amended subject to prior written agreement. In Clauses 8, 9, 10 and 11; we limit our liability for any loss and damage for certain factors which are beyond our control. We recommend you to arrange the insurance to cover your goods or premises. We are able to arrange insurance for your benefit upon request. This insurance will be separate from this contract and subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
1.1 Our quotation, unless otherwise stated, does not include insurance, customs duties, port charges including (but not limited to) demur rage, inspections, or any fees, or taxes payable to government bodies or agencies.
1.2 Our Quotation is valid for seven days from the date of issue. Unless already included in Our Quotation, reasonable additional charges will apply in the following circumstances:
1.2.1 If the work does not commence within seven days of acceptance.
1.2.2 Our costs change because of currency fluctuations, changes in taxation, freight, fuel and other factors that are beyond our control.
1.2.3 There are delays or events outside our reasonable control which increase or extend the resources or time allowed to complete the agreed work.
1.2.4 You agree to pay any reasonable charges arising from the above circumstances.
1.2.5 Our limit of liability for loss and damage is set out in Clause nos. 8 and 10.
1.3 Insurance
1.3.1 Our Movers shall have all the basic vehicle Insurance Policies which are required as per the law.
1.3.2 We do not provide or arrange the customer with any goods in transit insurance policy. In case the customer intends to secure his/her goods during the move or transit from any damage or loss, we advise the customer to take at its own responsibility and cost the insurance policy for the movement of goods. In case of any damage to the goods during transit, the company shall not be liable for any loss. The customer has to bear the said loss or damages. In case of any damage to the goods during loading and unloading, then our liability shall be as per clause 8.
1.3.3 Since we are neither providing nor arranging any insurance cover to the customer for the move and in case if customer gets the insurance cover at its own and any dispute arises with regards to the insurance cover, then it shall be between the customer and the insurance company. We shall not be liable for any such claims.
1.3.4 In case, if any damage or dispute arises related to the goods during during transit of goods, the company shall not be liable for any loss. The customer has to bear the said loss or damages or entirely up to the customer to lodge claim through their insurance cover. The company shall not be liable for any insurance excess.
2.1 Unless agreed by us in writing, We will not:
2.1.1 Disconnect, re-connect, dismantle or re-assemble appliances, fixtures, fittings or equipment.
2.1.2 Take up or lay fitted floor coverings.
2.1.3 Move items from a loft, unless properly lit and floored and safe access is provided.
2.1.4 Dismantle or assemble garden furniture and equipment including, but not limited to: sheds, greenhouses, garden shelters, outdoor play equipment, and satellite dishes, or move paving slabs, planters and the like.
2.1.5 Our movers carry standard tools only if requested at the time of booking. And if any special tools are required it is customer’s responsibility to make the arrangement.
Note: Our movers are not authorized or qualified to carry out such work. We recommend that a properly qualified person is separately employed by you to carry out these services.
3.1 It will be Your responsibility to:
3.1.1 Arrange adequate insurance cover for the goods submitted for removal transit, against all insurable risks since our liability is limited under clauses 8 and10. The company shall not be liable or responsible to arrange any other insurance cover for the customer.
3.1.2 Obtain at Your own expense, all documents, permits, permissions, licences, customs documents necessary for the removal to be completed.
3.1.3 Be present or represented throughout the collection and delivery of the removal.
3.1.4 Take all reasonable steps to ensure that nothing that should be removed is left behind and nothing is taken away in error. And ensure, all the goods which were submitted for removal, delivered in full at final destination point, customer has right to check the vehicle if they have any doubts.
3.1.5 Where we provide you with inventories, receipts, waybills, job sheets or other relevant documents you will ensure that they are signed by You or Your authorized representative as confirmation of collection or delivery of the Goods.
3.1.6 Arrange proper protection for goods left in unoccupied or unattended premises, or where other people such as (but not limited to) tenants or workmen are, or will be present.
3.1.7 Prepare adequately and stabilize all appliances or electronic equipment prior to their removal.
3.1.8 Empty, properly defrost and clean refrigerators and deep freezers. We are not responsible for the contents.
3.1.9 Ensure that all domestic and garden appliances, including but not limited to washing machines, dish washers, hose pipes, petrol lawn mowers are clean and dry and have no residual fluid left in them.
3.1.10 Provide us with a correct and up to date contact address and telephone number during removal transit of goods.
3.1.11 It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that items will fit in the new premises (eg: size of sofa and size of aperture). Our removalists will not be insured to remove doors or windows in such cases and will be forced to drop the items outside the premises. It is the customer’s responsibility to organize a specialist if needed.
3.2 It is the customer’s responsibility to inform us about the awkward access. Awkward access can include, no vehicle access, no parking available in close proximity to the property and cramped stair and hallway conditions. We reserve the right to add extra costs due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g. waiting for keys or gaining entry, incorrect addresses, etc.).
3.2.1 Providing parking is the responsibility of the customer, you must provide a permit from the local council if this is not possible, please be honest and say where the closest legal parking is available eg: 50 yards, 100 yards etc… this may cost a little more but it is much better for you if we know in advance, if parking is legal try to reserve a space for the van outside before it arrives or call the local council and get a suspension or permit where necessary) if there is no parking pre -arranged any parking fines received will be the responsibility of the customer and must be paid by the customer on completion, however we will not park illegally and the driver may have to leave if legal parking is not provided.
3.3 Other than by reason of our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be liable for any loss or damage, costs or additional charges that may arise from failure to discharge these responsibilities.
4.1 Unless previously agreed in writing by a director or other authorized company representative, the following items must not be submitted for removal will under no circumstances be moved by us. The items listed under.
4.1.1 Below may present risks to health and safety and of fire. Items listed under 4.1.2 to
4.1.8 below carry other risks and you should make your own arrangements for their transport.
4.1.2 Prohibited or stolen goods, drugs, pornographic material, potentially dangerous, damaging or explosive items, including gas bottles, aerosols, paints, firearms and ammunition.
4.1.3 Jewellery, watches, trinkets, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, stamps, coins, or goods or collections of any similar kind.
4.1.4 Goods likely to encourage vermin or other pests or to cause in festation or contamination.
4.1.5 We shall notify You as soon as practicable if any of the Goods, are in Our opinion hazardous to health, dirty or unhygienic or likely to attract vermin or pests and under what conditions We would be prepared to accept such Goods or whether We refuse to accept them. Should we refuse to accept the goods we will have no liability to you.
4.1.6 Perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment.
4.1.7 Any animals, birds, fish, reptiles or plants.
4.1.8 Goods which require special license or government permission for export or import.
5.1 By entering into this Agreement, You guarantee that:
5.1.1 The goods to be removed are Your own property, or the goods are Your property free of any legal charge;
5.1.2 You have the full authority of the owner or anyone having a legal interest in them to enter into this Agreement and You have made the owner fully aware of these terms and conditions prior to entering into this Agreement and that they have agreed to them.
6.1. If you postpone or cancel this Agreement, We reserve the right to charge You a reasonable postponement or cancellation fee according to how much notice is given as set out below “Working days” refer to the normal working week of Monday to Friday and excludes weekends and Public Holidays.
6.1.1 More than 7 working days before the removal due to start: No charge.
6.1.2 Between 2 and 6 working days inclusive before the removal was due to start: not more than 50% of the removal charge.
6.1.3 Less than 2 working days before the removal was due to start: not more than 75% of the removal charge.
6.1.4 On the day the work starts or at any time after the work commences up to 100% of our charges
We accept only cash / All Major Credit Cards (3% surcharge applicable) and Company Bank Cheque, all cheque made payable to: (Shashi International Ltd.) Payments must be made at the completion of the job, thus we reserve the right to ask for an initial deposit to confirm your booking. And we reserve the right to charge the payment from your nominated credit/debit card anytime during the job or at the completion of the job.
7.1 The Customer agrees to pay all amounts due in clear funds from the date of the invoice for the Goods and/or Services provided by the Company.
7.2 The Customer agrees that if it fails to pay in accordance with this clause, the Company may:
7.2.1 Charge a late payment fee of $50.00 on all amounts paid after the due date;
7.2.2 Charge interest on debts at 15% per annum from time to time;
7.2.3 Charge a dishonour handling fee in the amount of $25.00;
7.2.4 Withhold supply;
7.2.5 Sue for the money owing on the Goods or Services provided;
7.2.6 Take steps to secure monies owing and enforce such security;
7.2.7 Recover all collection and legal costs and expenses incurred in collecting overdue accounts and/or enforcing security interests on an indemnity basis.
7.3 Failure to comply with clause 7.1 will constitute a breach of contract and the Company may treat the whole Agreement as repudiated and act accordingly.
7.4 In the event this agreement has been entered into by more than one party each party shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount due.
Although we perform all jobs with due care and skills, any damage to the goods during loading or unloading, you must report the damage before completion. As the existing condition of the Goods are subject to verbal agreement, you must inspect all the goods as they are unloaded and/or relocated. Any damage considered to have been caused by us during loading or unloading must be listed on the front of moving document. No report with regards to the damage will be accepted after we have left the move or where you or a person with your agreement participates in the move. We are not liable for any damage occurs during transit of goods or not caused by us.
If we are told about any damage at the end of the move and if the damage is caused while loading or unloading of goods due to our negligence, then we will confer with you the options of:
8.1 Repairing the damage to as close as possible to its condition prior to the damage occurring and these repairs will be arranged by the customer.
8.2 Option to Compensate. In lieu of repairing Goods we have the option to compensate you for the damaged Goods. The independent evaluator shall evaluate the existing price of the damaged goods.
Note: In clause 8.1, the company shall be liable to pay the actual cost of repairs or 200 NZ dollars, whichever is less. In case of compensation, as mentioned in clause 8.2, the company shall pay the existing value of goods before damage or 200 NZ dollars, whichever is less.
8.3 Vehicle Damage. In the event that damage to goods arises from the transport vehicle being damaged by flood, fire, and collision or overturning and we are compensated by our insurer for the damage to Your Goods, You will be compensated but only to the extent we are paid compensation by our insurer for Your Goods. In case insurance company does not compensate the company for the damaged goods, then the company shall not be liable for any loss and the customer cannot claim any compensation or damages from the company for such loss.
9.1 Because third party contractors or others are frequently present at the time of collection or delivery it is not always possible to establish who was responsible for loss or damage. therefore Our liability is limited as follows:
9.1.1 If any loss or damage causes to premises or property other than goods for removal as a result of our negligence or breach of contract, our liability shall be limited to making good the damaged area only.
9.1.2 If we cause damage as a result of moving goods under Your expressed instructions, against our advice, and where moving the goods in the manner instructed is likely to cause damage, We shall not be liable for any loss or damage.
9.1.3 The damage to goods or property, as mentioned in clause 8 or 9, shall be reported immediately before the movers leave your premises. Once the movers left your premises, no request for damage shall be entertained by us.
However we will provide coverage, as mentioned in clause 8 for any physical damage caused due to dropping, mishandling, or ineffectually procuring of the items during loading or unloading by us, except in the following cases:
Note: Nevertheless we take extra care for your belongings, while moving, minor scratches on the floor/walls/goods sometimes may happen. This depends upon various factors i.e. access to the properties/narrow stairs access/enclosed section of particular goods, heavy/delicate goods.
10.1 Liability
10.1.1 We shall not be liable for loss or damage caused by fire or explosion. It is Your responsibility to insure Your Goods against fire or explosion. We advise you to take the insurance cover for fire or explosion at your own responsibility and cost.
10.1.2 Televisions that are not packed in their original box, computer components and peripherals, photocopiers, scientific instruments, musical instruments not in hard cases, architectural models, and sculptures.
10.1.3 If the Goods sustain damage by reason of defective or inadequate packing or unpacking, We will not be liable for that.
10.1.4 Items of Glass/mirrors not properly packed or wrapped securely. This includes picture glass, table tops & glass cabinets.
10.1.5 Stone, including marble, granite, composite or similar items. We will take extra care and precautions while moving these items if they can be safely moved, however in case of any damage or breakage, we shall not be liable because of their extremely fragile nature.
10.1.6 Furniture intended to be flat packed, or made of pressed wood, such as IKEA. These items are intrinsically vulnerable to endure damage or disorder, no matter how cautiously we move them. We strongly recommend dis-assembling such items before moving them to lessen these risks.
10.1.7 Mobile Storage Customers. We will not cover any items packed into mobile storage containers under any circumstances.
10.1.8 We will not provide cover for any internal faults where the item was not mishandled by us, and was secured appropriately in the vehicle.
10.1.9 Where you or a person with your agreement participates in the move, we are not liable for any damages done to your goods.s
10.2 Delays
10.2.1 We shall not be liable for delays or failures to provide the services under this Agreement as a result of war,invasion,acts of foreign enemies, hostilities(whether war is declared or not), civil war, terrorism, rebellion and/or military coup, Act of God, adverse weather, third party industrial action, re-scheduled sailing, departure or arrival times, port congestion, or other such events outside our reasonable control.
10.2.2 We will do our best to arrive within the time scale stated, however moving arrival time given to you is an estimate time for the movers to arrive. We cannot guarantee the arrival time which is mentioned in this booking. Mover’s arrival can be delayed due to previous jobs/Customer delays. This is beyond our control.
10.2.3 Delays to pick-up/delivery times are sometimes unavoidable (due to traffic accidents, weather etc).
10.2.4 We do not accept any responsibility for any customer’s losses due to unforeseen or out of our control delivery/pick-up delays.
10.3 Negligence
10.3.1 Other than as a result of Our negligence or breach of contract We will not be liable for any loss, damage or failure to produce the goods as a result of:
10.3.2 Normal wear and tear, natural or gradual deterioration, leakage or evaporation or from perishable or unstable goods. This includes goods left within furniture or appliances.
10.3.3 Moth or vermin or similar infestation.
10.3.4 Cleaning, repairing or restoring unless we arranged for the work to be carried out.
10.3.5 Changes caused by atmospheric conditions such as dampness, mould, mildew, rusting, tarnishing, corrosion, or gradual deterioration unless directly linked to ingress of water.
10.3.6 For any goods in wardrobes, drawers or appliances, or in a package, bundle, carton, case or other container not both packed and unpacked by us.
10.3.7 For electrical or mechanical derangement to any appliance, instrument, clock, computer or other equipment unless there is evidence of related external damage.
10.3.8 For any goods which have a preexisting defect or are inherently defective.
10.3.9 For perishable items and/or those requiring a controlled environment. For items referred to in Clause4.
10.4 No employee/Sub-contractor/representative of our shall be separately liable to you for any loss, damage, misdelivery, errors or omissions under the terms of this Agreement.
10.5 No employee/Sub-contractor/representative of our shall be separately liable to you for any loss, damage, misdelivery, errors or omissions under the terms of this Agreement.
10.6 We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by us or our employees or agents in circumstances where: (a) there is no breach of this Agreement by Us or by any of our employees or agents (b) such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach.
11.1 For goods which we deliver, you must report us in writing of any loss and damage before the movers leave your premises (see clause8).
11.2 The time limit for claim is 7 days from the date of actual move. No claim shall be entertained after the expiry of the said 7 days from the date of actual move.
12.1 Other than by reason of our negligence or breach of contract, we will not be liable for delays in transit.
12.2 If through no fault of ours we are unable to deliver your goods, we will take them into storage. The Agreement will then be fulfilled and any additional service(s), including storage and re- delivery, will be at your expense.
“Lien” is the legal right of the remover to hold goods until the customer has paid all outstanding charges. We shall have a right to withhold and ultimately dispose of some or all of the goods if you fail to pay the charges and any other payments due under this or any other Agreement. (See also Clause 12). These include any charges that we have paid out on your behalf. While we hold the goods you will be liable to pay all storage charges and other costs (including legal costs) reasonably incurred by us in recovering our charges and applying our right of lien. These terms and conditions shall continue to apply.
14.1 We reserve the right to sub-contract some or all of the work.
14.2 If we sub-contract, then these conditions will still apply.
15.1 We have the right to choose the method and route by which to carry out the work.
15.2 Unless it has been specifically agreed otherwise in writing in our Quotation, other space/volume/capacity on our vehicles and/or the container may be utilized for consignments of other customers.
If payment of our charges relating to your goods is in arrears, and on giving you three months notice, we are entitled to require you to remove your goods from Our custody and pay all money due to Us. If you fail to pay all outstanding amounts due to Us, We may sell or dispose of some or all of the goods without further notice. The cost of the sale or disposal will be charged to you. The net proceeds will be credited to your account and any eventual surplus will be paid to you without interest. If the full amount due is not received, we may seek to recover the balance from you.
There will be an extra charge when passing through Any Toll way and the customer will be charged for the same.(unless otherwise stated in writing).
Verbal or threatening behavior will not be tolerated. If the driver is forced to leave the job because of verbal or any other abuse from the customer; the customer will still be liable to pay in full.
It is our right, to decline to any job;
19.1 If there is wrong information provided at the time of booking/quote by the customer.
19.2 If movers are not comfortable to perform the job due to unacceptable behavior of the customer.
19.3 If the work environment is not safe to perform the job. And there are safety issues.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of New Zealand and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Auckland courts.
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